Woman researcher looking at test tube samples for clinical research study.

Clinical Research

Today’s Commitment. Tomorrow’s Cure.

The Clinical Research Program at Prism Health North Texas was created after the Peabody Health Center was awarded a seven-year grant to be a network clinical research site (CRS) of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) in 2006. In 2007, the organization began to partner with pharmaceutical companies to participate in industry-sponsored clinical trials. The Clinical Research Program has focused on research studies for HIV treatment, HIV Prevention, Hepatitis C Treatment, TB Prevention, and HIV co-morbidities such as HIV and Aging, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders, and cardiovascular disease in patients living with HIV.

Featured Study

Recently diagnosed with HIV? Figuring out next steps can be challenging. Research to discover potential HIV treatments with different dosing schedules is happening now. Participate in our latest clinical trial and take an active role in research aimed at shaping the future of HIV treatment. Together, we can make a difference in the HIV community.

Need more information? Learn more about the Study of Oral Weekly GS-1720 and GS-4182 Compared With Biktarvy in People With HIV-1 Who Have Not Been Treated here.

Research Participant Interest Form
Black gay couple hugging

Types of Clinical Research Studies

Newly Diagnosed Trials

Studies for patients who were recently diagnosed with HIV. These studies are for patients who have never tried HIV medications before or have been without medication for over three months.

Medication Switch Trials

Studies for patients who have been stable on an HIV medication and are willing to try a new experimental treatment.

Observational Trials

Observational clinical trials can be for patients who are not living with HIV. These studies are for observing risk factors, questionnaires, or diagnostic tests.

Be a Study Participant

Prism Health North Texas is committed to the development of new medications and devices to serve our community better and participates in several new trials every year. If you are interested in participating in a clinical trial, review the Current Enrolling Studies list below and complete the interest form. The clinical research department also has study coordinators who can help determine your eligibility for the studies. If you have questions or need help navigating your eligibility, contact a study coordinator at [email protected].

Research Participant Interest Form
Female Provider Drawing Blood from Male Patient

Research Publications

  • Comparable Viral Decay with Initial Dolutegravir Plus Lamivudine Versus Dolutegravir-Based Triple Therapy // Read More →
  • Hepatic Steatosis in People Living with HIV: Effect of Sex and Race/Ethnicity // Read More →

Frequently Asked Questions

About Clinical Research

Participating in a Study Trial and Appointments

Study Medication and Results

Other FAQs

Community Advisory Board

The Research Program has an active Community Advisory Board (CAB) dedicated to community outreach and peer education. The CAB is made up of five men and two women who are passionate about HIV research, treatment, and prevention. The CAB meets every other month and reviews studies in the early phase of development to provide community feedback on the study’s design, which helps the sponsor improve study objectives, potential recruitment, and participant retention. The CAB also provides input on ways to recruit participants and keep them engaged while participating in a study.