"Beneath the Briefs" Season 2 is Now Streaming
Published: 06-21-2021 | 1 MIN READ | Author: Prism Health North Texas
The Project Connect team at Prism Health North Texas is proud to announce the launch of “Beneath the Briefs” season 2! PHNTX, the North Texas-based nonprofit HIV/AIDS service organization, is continuing its effort to normalize sex talk and the discussion of sexual health in the LGBTQ community. Host and Behavioral Intervention Specialist, Ana Fuentes, is joined by new co-hosts, Dax Bennet and Devon Williams, with new episodes to be released on Fridays.
The first two episodes of season 2 are now available to stream; stepping out of broader topics and take a deeper dive into, specifically, what is happening in the bedroom. Our hosts discuss bedroom expectations, enjoying your time with your partner, and how what you are experiencing in your private life could be affecting your social life.
ALSO, after the success of the episode about HIV stigma in the Hispanic community, the first episode of our Spanish podcast, “A Calzón Quidado,” is now streaming too. Our stigma episode has brought to our attention how important these subjects are, not only to our English-speaking community but to our Latinx community as well. Every other Friday, Ana will be joined by her new Spanish-speaking co-hosts, Alex and Mani, to present quality sexual health content for the largest and fastest-growing ethnic group in the US.
New episodes of Beneath the Briefs are ready for listeners to enjoy wherever they get their podcasts. If you have suggestions on what you would like to hear the hosts discuss, please let us know at [email protected].