Prism Health North Texas is hosting the Annual Back to School Drive in partnership with Bank of America and Cathedral of Hope.
Due to the pandemic, PHNTX is anticipating increased demand for school supplies. Your donations will provide patient families with the school supplies their children need to transition from virtual to in-person learning.
Donations are accepted from Monday, June 21 – Monday, July 26.
How to Donate
Amazon Wish List
Drop Off Donations
Please contact Neacy Turner ([email protected] / 214.521.5191) to make a donation
or drop off the donation at our Jefferson Tower location (351 W. Jefferson Blvd, Suite 300, Dallas, TX 75208)
Suggested Items to Donate
- Disposable Masks
- Hand Sanitizer (travel and regular size)
- Antibacterial Wipes
- Tissue
- #2 Pencils
- Blue and Black Pens
- Highlighters
- Crayons
- Markers
- Color Pencils
- Erasers
- Washable School Glue or Glue Sticks
- Loose Leafed, Wide or College Ruled Paper
- 1 Subject Spiral Notebooks
- Two-Pocket Folders
- Rulers and Protractors
- Pencil Pouches
- Backpacks