Digital Render of the Lobby of Prism Health North Texas Administration office on Junius Street

About Prism Health North Texas

Our Story: How AIDS Arms Became Prism Health North Texas (PHNTX)

Prism Health North Texas opened services in 1986 during the HIV/AIDS crisis in North Texas, through an initial grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Formed as AIDS Arms Network out of the Community Council of Greater Dallas, PHNTX, for the past 38 years, has served the critical role of connecting people living with HIV to care and services in the area. PHNTX evolved to be a nationally recognized leader in delivering high-quality HIV and sexual health services, most recently expanding services to address the alarming rise in sexually transmitted infections in Dallas County and North Texas. Roughly 30% of people living with HIV in North Texas receive medical care and support at one of the four health centers.

PHNTX is committed to providing healthcare for all North Texans in a non-judgmental and affirming environment. The organization strives to remove the barriers that prevent any individual from accessing quality healthcare. PHNTX stands for health equity, especially for marginalized populations including people living with HIV, LGBTQIA+, and ethnic minorities. Every individual has the right to affordable, accessible health care and the opportunity to attain their highest level of health.


Promoting the health equity of communities we serve through education, prevention, research, and affirming personalized healthcare.


Building equitable healthcare access for all Texans.


  • 1We are solution seekers.
  • 2We have a can-do attitude.
  • 3We are mission driven.
  • 4We care about people.